50321 | PRDM14, GST-tag |
50 µg
51030 | PRDM2(RIZ1), GST-tag |
200 µg
40175 | PRKG1, GST-tag |
10 µg
40170 | PRKG2, GST-tag |
10 µg
40171 | PRKX, GST-tag |
10 µg
30000 | PRL1 (2-173), His-tag |
50 µg
30001 | PRL2 (2-167), His-tag |
50 µg
30002 | PRL3 (2-173), His-tag |
50 µg
52004L | PRMT1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
96 reactions
52054 | PRMT1 Homogeneous Assay Kit |
384 reactions
51040 | PRMT1, GST-tag (E. coli-derived) |
50 µg
51041 | PRMT1, GST-tag (Sf9-derived) |
20 µg
52005L | PRMT3 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
96 reactions
52055 | PRMT3 Homogeneous Assay Kit |
384 reactions
51043 | PRMT3, GST-tag |
50 µg
51047 | PRMT4 (CARM1), FLAG-tag (HEK293-derived) |
20 µg
52041L | PRMT4 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
96 reactions
52068 | PRMT4 Homogeneous Assay Kit |
384 reactions
50352 | PRMT4 peptide substrate, Biotin-labeled |
80 nmole
52073 | PRMT5 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
384 reactions
52002L | PRMT5 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
96 reactions
52171 | PRMT5 TR-FRET Assay Kit |
384 reactions
52102 | PRMT5/MEP50, Biotin-Labeled |
20 µg
51045 | PRMT5/MEP50, FLAG-tag, His-tag (HEK293-derived) |
20 µg
51048 | PRMT5/MEP50, FLAG-tag, His-tag (Sf9-derived) |
20 µg
52046 | PRMT6 (HRMT1L6) Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
96 reactions
52056 | PRMT6 (HRMT1L6) Homogeneous Assay Kit |
384 reactions
51049 | PRMT6 (HRMT1L6), His-tag |
20 µg
51054 | PRMT7, FLAG-tag |
20 µg
52062 | PRMT8 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit |
96 reactions
52058 | PRMT8 Homogeneous Assay Kit |
384 reactions
51052 | PRMT8, His-FLAG-tags |
20 µg
52069 | PRMT9 Homogeneous Assay Kit |
384 reactions
52057 | PRMT9, FLAG-Tag, Strep-Tag |
20 µg
80105 | Prolyl Oligopeptidase/Prolyl Endopeptidase, His-tag |
20 µg
40217 | Protein Tyrosine Kinase Substrate (poly-Glu,Tyr 4:1) |
1 mg
27715-1 | PS-341 (MG-341) |
25 mg
27715-2 | PS-341 (MG-341) |
5 mg
71085 | PSAT1, GST-tag |
100 µg
30045 | PTPσ (PTPRS), GST-tag |
20 µg
30053 | PTPµ (PTPRM), GST-tag |
20 µg
30009 | PTP1B (PTPN1) full length, GST-tag |
20 µg
30019 | PTP1B Colorimetric Assay Kit |
96 Reactions
30010 | PTP1B(1-321)/PTPN1, GST-tag |
20 µg
30025 | PTP-D2/PTPN14, GST-tag |
20 µg
30054 | PTPIA2(PTPRN), GST-tag |
20 µg
30026 | PTPMT1, GST-tag |
100 µg
30042 | PTPß, GST-tag |
20 µg
40480 | PYK2, His-tag |
10 µg
27716-1 | PYR-41 |
10 mg
27716-2 | PYR-41 |
25 mg
27716-3 | PYR-41 |
50 mg
27328 | Pyroxamide |
50 mg
40264 | QIK, GST-tag |
10 µg
27214 | Quercetin |
5 g
20030 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit with competent cells |
10 reactions
20040 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit with competent cells |
20 reactions
20050 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit with competent cells |
40 reactions
20060 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit with competent cells |
100 reactions
20070 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit without competent cells |
10 reactions
20080 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit without competent cells |
20 reactions
20090 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit without competent cells |
40 reactions
20100 | Quick PCR™ Cloning Kit without competent cells |
100 reactions
27640-1 | Q-VD(OMe)-OPh |
5 mg
27640-2 | Q-VD(OMe)-OPh |
10 mg
27640-3 | Q-VD(OMe)-OPh |
25 mg
27641-1 | Q-VD-OPh hydrate |
5 mg
27641-2 | Q-VD-OPh hydrate |
10 mg
27641-3 | Q-VD-OPh hydrate |
25 mg
91010 | Rabbit Angiopoietin 2, His-tag |
25 µg
70823 | RANK, Fc fusion (IgG1), Avi-tag (Human) |
100 µg
70822 | RANK, Fc fusion (IgG1), Biotin Labeled (Human) |
50 µg
79101 | RANK:RANKL TR-FRET Assay |
384 rxns
71051 | RANKL, His-Tag (Human) |
100 µg
27062 | Rapamycin |
50 mg
60503 | RARa Reporter Cell Line |
2 vials
60603 | RARß Reporter Cell Line |
2 vials
60604 | RAR? Reporter Cell Line |
2 vials
91011 | Rat Angiopoietin 2, His-tag |
25 µg
90113-A | Rat bFGF |
10 µg
90113-B | RAT bFGF |
50 µg
90164-A | Rat Interferon-gamma |
20 µg
90164-B | Rat Interferon-gamma |
100 µg
90175-A | Rat Interleukin 10 |
5 µg
90175-B | Rat Interleukin 10 |
20 µg
40447 | Rat ITK, GST-tag |
10 µg
40228 | Rat MET, GST-tag |
10 µg
60102 | Rat PDE10A, GST-tag |
5 µg
60009 | RAT PDE1B, His-GST-tags |
10 µg
60022 | Rat PDE2A, His-GST-tags |
5 µg
60049 | Rat PDE4B, GST-tag |
5 µg
60054 | Rat PDE4D, GST-tag |
5 µg
60074 | Rat PDE7A, GST-tag |
10 µg
60075 | Rat PDE7B, GST-tag |
10 µg
30011 | Rat PTP1B(1-321)/PTPN1, GST-tag |
20 µg
80201 | Rat Renin, His-tag |
100 µg
91008 | Rat VEGF-A |
10 µg
40595 | RB, GST-tag |
200 µg
50297 | RbAp48, His-tag |
50 µg
71202 | RbBP5, His-tag |
50 µg